CS 70 Midterm Review
Number Sets and Notation
- Intersection = \(A \cap B\) = all elements that are in A and B
- Union = \(A \cup B\) = all elements in A or B
- Disjoint = no similar elements in a or B
- Relative Complement or Set Difference = \(B - A\) or \(B\) \ \(A\) = set of elements in B but not A
Significant Sets
- \[P \implies Q \equiv \lnot P \or Q\]
- \[\lnot (P \implies Q) \equiv (P \and \lnot Q)\]
- \[\lnot (P \and \lnot Q) \equiv (\lnot P \or Q)\]
- Direct proof
- assume P is true, then prove Q
- Proof by contraposition
- assume notQ is true, then prove notP
- proof by contradiction
- assume the claim (P –> Q) is false, then prove that it leads to a contradiction
- Proof by cases
- split the claim up into cases which, when combined, encompass the entire domain of the claim
- prove that the claim (P –> Q) holds true in every case
- prove something is true, try to find a counterexample and think about why you can’t find one
- plug in the definition of any symbol or operator
- if and only if = prove that P–> Q and Q –> P
Prove that there are no positive integer solutions that satisfy the equation: \(x^2 - y^2 = 1\)
if we are trying to prove something is impossible, choose proof by contradiction
- assume that there are two positive integers
- by factoring, \((x - y)(x + y) = 1\), so
- \((x - y) = 1\) AND \((x + y) = 1\)
- OR \((x - y) = -1\) AND \((x + y) = -1\)
- Base Case: prove that the proposition is true for P(0)
- Inductive Hypothesis: Assume that the P(k) is true (for some k)
- Inductive Step: Prove that P(k+1) is true using P(k)
Key Idea
- domino effect!
if we prove the induction step, then P(0) => P(1), P(1) >= P(2), and so on
- ALWAYS reference the inductive hypothesis in your inductive step
- how does it help the proof? CITE it!
Strong Induction
- In standard induction, assuming P(k) enables you to prove P(k+1)
- assume some combo of P(1), P(2), …, P(k) to prove P(k + 1)
- this is still equivalent to simple induction!
The Game of Nim
- there are two non-empty piles of matches and two players, on each turn a player can remove any nonzero number of matches from any of the two piles
- whoever removes the last match wins
- What are the conditions under which each player can force a win?
Interesting Sequence
How to solve: strengthen hypothesis!
- we can try to prove that \(X_n = 2^n - 1\) for all natural numbers!
- Base Case
- \(X_0 = 0 = 2^0 - 1\), \(X_1 = 1 = 2^1 - 1\)
- Inductive Hypothesis
- assume that this holds to \(X_{n-1} = 2^{n-1} - 1\)
- Inductive Step
Stable Matching
- two sides (i.e., not the roommates problem)
- J = Jobs, C = Candidates
- ranked preference lists
- create stable pairing, aka no rogue couples
- rogue couple (J, C) exists if both J and C prefer each other to their current partner
Propose and Reject Algorithm
- Job optimal and candidate pessimal
- aka works in favor of the job preferences (prove this by contradiction)
- a candidate could never get proposed to by their top choice job because the jobs could have been accepted by a diff candidate
- How it works:
- Every job proposes to their fav candidate who hasn’t already rejected it
- Each candidate rejects all but their most preferred job and saves that job
- Each rejectd job removes the candidate who rejected it
Once no job is rejected, and everyone has one proposal, they accept!
- Halts = n elements on 2 lists has finite combos
- Improvment Lemma
- once a candidate gets proposed to, they will only ever stay the same or improve
- Proof by Well-Ordering or Induction (on the days during the matching)
- Terminates with everyone paired by improvement lemma
- Produces stable pairings
- uses improvement lemma: one rogue couple member rejected in favor of stable partner
- Rogue Couple = there is a man and a woman who prefer each other to their current partners
Notes about SMP and Propose-and-Reject
- for Stable Matching Problem
- it helps to argue for rogue couples
- does NOT prove anything for overall pairs
- Propose and Reject
- use the algorithm with your proof, with induction or the well-ordering principle
- well-ordering principle = there is always a “least element”
- Walk - A sequence of vertices and edges, where the edges connect the adjacent vertices in the sequence
- Tour - a walk with no repeated edges and ends where it began
- Path - a walk with no repeated vertices (and thus no repeated edges either)If a walk or path has \(v_0 = v_n\), it is closed, else it is open
- Cycle = A walk with no repeated vertices except for \(v_0 = v_n\)
- Paths and Cycles cannot repeat edges; Walks and Tours can repeat edges.
- Paths and Walks start and end at different places; Cycles and Tours start and end at the same place.
Can Repeat Edges | Cannot Repeat Edges | |
Start and End at Diff Places | Walk | Path |
Start and End at Same Places | Tour | Cycle |
- Hamiltonian walk = a walk that visits each vertex in a graph exactly once.
- If it ends where it began (is closed), it’s a Hamiltonian tour
- Eulerian walk = visits every edge exactly once
- If it ends at the same vertex, it’s a Eulerian tour
- If it is a straight line, it is both a Eulerian and Hamiltonian walk!
- in a disconnected graph, with k vertices in one group and n-k in the other, the maximum edges they can have is \(\frac{k(k−1)}{2} + \frac{(n−k)(n−k−1)}{2}\)
- every path has 2 leaves
- To translate a n-dimensional hypercube to a tree, trees must have \(2^n-1\) edges
- a graph is planar if you can draw it in a plane (draw it on paper without crossing edges)
- Euler’s Formula: v + f - e = 2
- Planar graphs with v >= 3 satisfy Euler’s formula (\(v + f = e + 2\))
- Euler’s formula cannot verify of a graph is planar, because nonplanar graphs don’t have faces!
- Euler’s Corollary = all planar graphs satisfy e ≤ 3v - 6, but the converse is not true.
- Kuratowski’s theorem = a graph is planar if and only if it doesn’t “contain” \(K_5\) or \(K_{3,3}\)
- generalization of cubes in higher dimensions
- \((n+1)\)-dimensional hypercube generated by combining two n-dimensional hypercubes
- 2 connected lines = square
- 2 connected squares = cube
- each edge can only connect vertices that differ by one bit
- x = 0000 and y = 1000 are neighbors
- x = 000 and y = 101 are not neighbors
Modular Arithmetic
- in mod n space, all objects are in {0, 1, 2, … , n - 1}
- DEFINITION: \(a \equiv b\) (mod n) iff \(a = kn + b\) for some integer k
- you can add, subtract, and multiple, but NOT divide
- for all integers x and y, there exists a, b where ax + by = d where d = gcd(x, y)
- when x, n are coprime
- x has an inverse mod n
- when n is prime
- all nonzero elements in mod n space have an inverse
- this space is a field –> GF(n)
Example 1
Extended Euclid Example
Fermat’s Little Theorem (FLT)
- huge powers? how to do this using mod
- if \(a\) = # of colors and \(p\) = length
- there are \(a^p - a\) number of strings, since we need to subtract the strings with only 1 type of \(a\)
- each string can be rotated \(p\) times to get the same string if the number is prime, so we know that \(a^p - a\) is divisible by p
- modular arithmetic
- \(\frac{a^p}{p} = x\) remainder \(a\)
- aka ==\(a^p \equiv a\) (mod \(p\))==
- if p is prime, p does not divide a, and a > 0
- \(a^{p-1} \equiv 1\) (mod \(p\))
- By FLT, we have \(a^x \equiv a^{x(mod (p-1))}\) (mod p)
Chinese Remainder Theorem
- Given x = 13 (mod 15), we can convert it to x = (3, 1)
- Can we convert back from x = (3, 1) (mod 5, mod 3) to x = 13 (mod 15)?
- Solve:
- mod 15 is a vector space
- we need to convert (3, 1) to mod 15 space
- use basis vectors 6 (0 mod 3, 1 mod 5) and 10 (1 mod 3, 0 mod 5)
- ==look at how tf to dO tHIS==
Chinese Remainder Theorem
- first make sure that all nums we are mod-ing by (mod __) have a gcd = 1 when compared to each other
- \[N = pq\]
- \[E(x) = x^e (mod N)\]
- \(D(x) = x^d (mod N)\), \(d = e^{-1} (mod (p-1)(q-1))\)
- Public key: (N, e)
- Private key: d
- How it works
- Alice calculates N by picking 2 prime numbers and multiplying them together to get N
- then calculate \(\phi (N)\) which we know is \((p-1)(q-1)\) which is how many numbers from 1 to N are relatively prime to \(N\)
- whenever p and q are prime, the phi of \(N = (p-1)(q-1)\)
- then she picks a public exponent \(e\), which must be an odd number that does not share a factor with \(\phi (N)\)
- find the value of the private key \(d =(2 * (3016) + 1)/3 = 2011\)
- then Alice hides everything except (N, e)
- send this to Bob as an open lock and let him put the message in
- Bob calculates his encrpted message \(m\) by doing \(m^e\) (mod \(N\)) and sends it back to alice
- Since Alice has her key d, she can do \(m^d\) (mod N) = the original message!
==practice this bruh==
- \[p(x) = a_dx^d + a_{d-1}x^{d-1} … + a_0\]
- If \(a_d ≠ 0\), d is the degree of p(x)
- c is a zero of polynomial p if p(c)=0
- Can be mod q - GF(q)
- if p is not the zero polynomial and is of degree d, it has at most d roots
- a degree d polynomial is uniquely defined by d + 1 points
- like \((x, p(x))\)
- Say we have (d + 1) points of a polynomial p
- How do we construct a polynomial that fits these points?
- Let the points and evaluations be \((a_i, p(a_i))\), where i can go from 0 to d.
Lagrange Interpolation
- Two non-zero polynomials \(p(x)\) and \(q(x)\) of degree d over \(GF(m)\) have r unique roots and s unique roots respectively.
- What is the maximum number of unique roots for the polynomial \(p(x)q(x)\)? Answer may include d, r, and s.
- Answer: \(min(m, r + s)\). There can’t be more than m roots, or any new roots that are not roots of p and q.
Polynomial Applications
- Secret sharing
- Error-correcting codes
Secret Sharing
- Say we have a secret that we need at least k people to be able recover.
- We know that we need \((d + 1)\) points to recover a polynomial of degree d.
==pick up at slide 145!==
Sampling k items from n choices:
Order matters
- with replacement = \(n^k\)
- without replacement = \(\frac{n!}{(n-k)!}\)
Order doesn’t matter
- with replacement = \((n + k - 1\) choose \(n-1\) )
- without replacement = \(\frac{n!}{(n-k)!k!}\)
- balls and bins! the dividers are the 1s and balls are 0s so u just have to figure out where to put the 1s!!!! THIS MAKES SENSE OMFG
GCD Algorithm
If A = 0 then GCD(A,B)=B, since the GCD(0,B)=B, and we can stop.
If B = 0 then GCD(A,B)=A, since the GCD(A,0)=A, and we can stop.
Write A in quotient remainder form (A = B⋅Q + R)
Find GCD(B,R) using the Euclidean Algorithm since GCD(A,B) = GCD(B,R)
\[x - y < x/2\]
- so \(y > x/2\)
- if \(gcd(x, y) = 1\) then a and b are coprime
- proves that the gcd algorithm’s first argument decreases by a factor of two every other iteration
- How it works:
- \(gcd(m,n) = gcd(n, m\) mod \(n)\)
- continue computing until there is a remainder of 0