CS 70 Final Review
- a set is countable if you are able to match every element up with the set of positive integers \(\N\)
- in other words, if there is a bijection between \(S\) and \(\N\)
- Injection = \(f\) maps distinct inputs to distinct outputs
- Surjection = \(f\) “hits” every element in range, in other words: \((\forall y \exist x)(f(x) = y)\)
- Bijection = both! every \(x\) maps to a distinct \(y\)
- when two sets have the same size, which can be found by demonstrating a pairing between elements in two sets
- shows a bijection
Ways to Prove Countability
On a graph: demonstrate that you are able to connect all the dots in an “endless” or “infinite” way.
In a set: use diagonalization!
- prove that for an infinite amount of numbers, you can always find one number that you “forgot” to list if you go diagonally in the list and differ from that number each time.
so if you have some real number \(s = 0.6570...\) by adding \(1\) to every diagonalized digit, then we would know that we “forgot” to include it, since this contradicting number would be infinitely different than any number we can find with \(f(x)\)
Uncountable Sets
compare a set of numbers to a mapping of an uncountable set, such as the real numbers \(\R \in [0,1]\)
Ex: the Cantor set
defined by removing the middle third of line segments infinitely many times
eventually, as you iterate this pattern an infinite amount of times, you will get a set of isolated points with no more intervals
this can be broken down into ternary numbers, where you can say that for every number, it can be represented by \([0, 1, 2]\), such as \(0.02020022...\)
if you divide this by two, you get a binary representation of the interval from \([0,1]\), which represents the set of real numbers between \(0\) and \(1\), thus, the Cantor set is uncountable
Power Sets
if \(S\) is a set, the power set of \(S\), \(\mathcal{P}(A)\), is the set of all subsets of \(S\)
Ex: \(S = \{1,2,3\}\), so \(\mathcal{P}(S) = \{\{\},\{1\},\{2\},\{3\},\{1,2\}, \{1,3\},\{2,3\},\{1,2,3\}\}\)
if the size of \(S = k\) is finite, then \(\mathcal{P}(S) = 2^k\)
- \[|\mathcal{P}(\N)| > |\N|\]
says that the cardinality (size) of the power set is greater than the cardinality of N
even if the set \(\N\) is countable, the power set \(\mathcal{P}(\N)\) is uncountable because we can use diagonalization to always find a subset we forgot by finding the contradiction to the set that we’ve mapped out.
- using binary strings, we can use diagonalization to flip the bits, in order to find the \(b\) bit that we infinitely missed in our set
Self-Replicating Programs
- Quine = a program that can print itself
- Ex: in English pseudocode:
Recursion Theorem
used to explain how we generate quines!
given any program \(P(x, y)\), we can always convert it to another program \(Q(x)\), such that \(Q(x) = P(x, Q)\)
- in other words, \(Q\) behaves exactly as \(P\) would if its second input is the description of the program \(Q\)
- \(Q\) = the “self-aware” version of \(P\), where \(Q\) has access to its own description
The Halting Problem
there does not exist a program that can tell us if a program halts on an input x (uncomputable)
when solving a problem, we are trying to prove the contradiction that there exists a program \(TestHalt\)
def Turing(P)
if TestHalt(P,P) = “yes” then loop forever
else halt
if a program P when given P as an input halts, then Turing(P) loops forever
- otherwise, Turing(P) halts
we can say that Turing either Halts or Loops forever, but by diagonalization, we can find a program that contradicts every entry in the mapping of the \((i, j)^{th}\) entries
- thus, the behavior of Turing is different from that of \(P_n\), since it will contradict itself, because if TestHalt(P, P) returns “yes” then that will loop forever, but contradict the meaning of the original test, since the programs should be telling us that the test did halt and stop looping
- therefore, our list of \(P_n\) “forgot” to list Turing as one of the programs with results H or L, so we can conclude that TestHalt does not exist and the Halting Problem cannot be solved!
Intersection of Events
Union of Events
- Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion = used when events are independent, but not disjoint
- basically starts by summing all the event probabilities, then subtracts the probabilities of all pairwise intersections, then add back in the probabilities of all three-way intersections
- Ex: Vegas dice rolling!
- usually too computationally-expensive
- Just look at the first term!
- Mutually exclusive events = if \(A_1, ..., A_n\) are mutually exclusive, then:
- Union Bound = if we add up \(P[A_i]\), it will always be equal to or an overestimate of the probability of the union
Random Variables
Random variables are defined by two things:
- the set of values it can take
- the probability with which it takes on the values
\(E[X] =\) mean/expectation of the distribution
\[Var(X) = E[X^2] - E[X]^2\]Bernoulli Distribution
- \(X\) ~ \(Bernoulli(p)\)
Binomial Distribution
- \(X\) ~ \(Bin(n, p)\)
- where n is the number of trials and p is the probability of something occuring
- \[\sum_{i=0}^n P[X = i]=1\]
- implies that \(\sum_{i=0}^n {n \choose i} p^i (1-p)^{n-i}=1\)
- which basically means that if you are choosing \(i\) cases to succeed, you would need to find how many different ways there are to choose i out of n, find the p probability i times, and the (1-p) probability the remainding times out of n
- Ex: Error correction problem
- we want to encode \(n\) packets into \(n + k\) packets, how do we choose k?
- model each packet getting lost with probability \(p\) and the losses are indep, then if we transmit \(n + k\) packages, the number of packets received is a random variable \(X\) with binomial distribution
- \(X\) ~ \(Bin(n + k, 1 - p)\)
Hypergeometric Distribution
- \(Y\) ~ \(Hypergeometric(N, B, n)\)
- N = the total number of items
- B = the number of specific items
- n = the number out of B that you want to pick
- picking a certain number of items without replacement
- take into account what we want and don’t want
- Ex: if we have a bucket with 30 red balls and 70 blue balls
- now there are \({100 \choose 20}\) ways to choose 20 balls since there is no replacement anymore
Geometric Distribution
- \(X\) ~ \(Geometric(p)\)
- p = probability of the event happening
- number of trials until a certain event happens
- Ex: how many tosses before the first head appears, how many picks until we get a red ball
\[P[X = i] = (1 - p)^{i-1}p^1\]
- since \(i\) trials have been unsuccessful and only the most recent trial has probability \(p\) of being successful
- \[E[X] = \sum_{i=1}^\infin i \times P[X=i] = p\sum_{i=1}^\infin i(1 - p)^{i-1} = \frac{1}{p}\]
- \[Var(X) = \frac{1-p}{p^2}\]
- the Tail Sum Formula is used to say that the expectation of X will always be the sum of all probabilities where X is greater than or equal to i, or \(E[X] = \sum_{i=1}^\infin P[X \geq i]\)
- this simplifies the expectation to be \(E[X] = \frac{1}{p}\)
Poisson Distribution
- \(X\) ~ \(Poisson(\lambda)\)
- \(\lambda\) = average number that an event happens per a unit of time
- Ex: number of clicks of a Geiger counter, how many times the bus comes within the hour, how many fish are caught in an hour
- \[P[X=i] = \frac{\lambda^i}{i!}e^{-\lambda}\]
- \[E[X] = \lambda\]
- \[Var(X) = \lambda\]
- The sum of independent poisson random variables becomes a bell curve as \(\lambda\) increases
- if we have \(X\) ~ \(Poisson(\lambda)\) and \(Y\) ~\(Poisson(\mu)\), then \(X + Y\) ~ \(Poisson(\lambda + \mu)\)
- a poisson distribution is the limit of the binomial distribution
Exponential Distribution
- \(X\) ~ \(Exp(\lambda)\)
- \(\lambda\) is the success rate per unit of time
- \[E[X] = \frac{1}{\lambda}\]
- \[Var(X) = \frac{1}{\lambda^2}\]
- an event can happen at any time, what is the time until the event happens?
- Ex: a system to fail, a clock to ring, a train to reach the station
continuous version of the geometric distribution
- since the exponential distrubution is time-dependent, it’s like taking a geometric distribution and performing 1 trial every \(\delta\) seconds, and our success probability is \(p = \lambda\delta\), since the first success will be at the end of the time it takes for the event to occur, which is the success rate per unit of time * the number of trials, or \(\lambda\delta\).
Normal Distribution (Gaussian Distribution)
\(X\) ~ \(N(\mu,\sigma^2)\)
\(\mu\) is the mean/expectation
\(\sigma^2\) is the variance with the pdf:
- in the special case that \(X\) ~ \(N(0, 1)\), this means that X has a standard normal distribution
- Standard Normal Distribution Lemma
- if \(X\) ~ \(N(\mu,\sigma^2)\), then Y = \(\frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}\) ~ \(N(0,1)\)
- equivalently, \(X\) is just \(X = \sigma Y + \mu\), which means that X is translated into a standard normal distribution (\(Y\)) just by shifing the origin to the expectation/mean (\(\mu\)) and scaling by the standard deviation (\(\sigma\))
The sum of independent normal random variables are also normally distributed!
Since we know that \(X\) and \(Y\) are independent, the joint density of \((X, Y)\) is \(f(x,y) = f(x)f(y) = \frac{1}{2\pi} e^{\frac{x^2+y^2}{2}} .\)
Therefore, for any constants \(a, b \in \R\), the random variable \(Z = aX + bY\) is normally distributed:
- \[\mu = E[Z] = a\mu_x + b\mu_y\]
- \[\sigma^2 = Var(Z) = a^2\sigma_x^2 + b^2\sigma_y^2\]
Key Observation: the function is rotationally symmetric around the origin (like a dome), which means that \(f(x,y)\) only depends on the value \(x^2 + y^2\), which is the distance of the point \((x, y)\) from the origin
- this can also be thought of as \(f(T(x, y)) = f(x, y)\) where \(T\) is any rotation of the plane \(\R^2\) about the origin
- this would follow that for any set of \(A \subseteq \R^2\), we have \(P[(X,Y) \in A] = P[(X,Y) \in T(A)]\), which means that the probability of \((X, Y)\) in any part of the plane is the same as the probability of \((X, Y)\) in any part of the joint normal distribution.
- if we take any rotation in \(\R\), we will still get that the probability is the same in \(t\) vs \(A\), so we know that the boundary line \(ax + by = t\) lies at a distance \(d = \frac{t}{\sqrt{z^2+b^2}}\)
- therefore, Z has the same distribution as \(\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}X\) and the expectation and variance are combinations of the two distributions.
Multiple Random Variables and Independence
Joint Distribution
- the collection of values \(\{((a,b),P[X = a,Y = b]) : a \in A , b \in B\}\),
- A = the set of all possible values taken by X
- B = the set of all possible values taken by Y
- Sum over B to find the marginal distribution for X
- \[P[X = a] = \sum_{b \in B} P[X=a, Y=b]\]
- independent if you can multiply them together to find the joint distribution
- \[E[X] = \sum_{a \in A} a \times P[X=a]\]
- basically sum over all the values of A * P(a)
- basically the mean or average
Linearity of Expectation
For any two random variables X and Y on the same probability space:
- \[E[X + Y] = E[X] + E[Y]\]
For any constant c
- \[E[cX] = c \times E[X]\]
Quick Facts
- graphs
- when talking about components, it means the number of collections of nodes
- if you have a graph with n vertices with exactly one cycle and m edges, the number of connected components is \(n - m + 1\)
- law of large numbers
- central limit theorem
Picking k items
exact number with replacement
- we have to take into account what we want AND what we don’t want
- Ex: if we have a bucket with 30 red balls and 70 blue balls
- pick 20 balls with replacement, what is the probability of getting exactly k red balls
- you can pick any 20 balls \(100^{20}\) different ways
- if you want to k out of 20 to be red, then you do \({20 \choose k} * 30^k * 70^{20-k}\)
- aka you want the exact number so you have to specify what the other 20-k balls will be
exact number without replacement
- still take into account what we want and don’t want
- Ex: if we have a bucket with 30 red balls and 70 blue balls
- now there are \({100 \choose 20}\) ways to choose 20 balls since there is no replacement anymore
at least one value is observed more than once
- take into account the values already seen by k roll
- Ex: roling a 6-sided dice 5 times
- there are \(6^5\) ways to get a value since there is “replacement”
- mean = \(\mu\)
- variance = \(\omicron\)
- Geometric Random Variable
- X ~ Geom(p)
- where X is the number of trials UNTIL something occurs with p probability
- \(P[X=i] = (1-p)^{i-1}p^1\)$$
- X ~ Geom(p)
- Binomial Random Variable
- X ~ Binom(n, p)
- where n is the number of trials and p is the probability of something occuring
- \[\sum_{i=0}^n P[X = i]=1\]
- implies that \(\sum_{i=0}^n {n \choose i} p^i (1-p)^{n-i}=1\)
- which basically means that if you are choosing \(i\) cases to succeed, you would need to find how many different ways there are to choose i out of n, find the p probability i times, and the (1-p) probability the remainding times out of n
- X ~ Binom(n, p)
to add
Law of large nums = as u sample more, it will get closer to the expectation
Central Limit theorem = if we take a group of samples, the expection stays the same but the variance will decrease by a factor of n
- the distribution of the sample average \(\frac{S_n}{n}\)
- \[Var(cX) = \frac{1}{c^2} Var(X)\]
- \[E[cX] = \frac{1}{c} E[X]\]
- the power of the CLT is that you can take a non-normal distribution and retrieve a normal-looking average
- standard deviation is the sqrt of the variance
there are \(\frac{m(m-1)}{2}\) possible pairs for \(m\) keys
a PDF has to satisfy the following cases:
- f is non-negative: f(x)
- The total integral of f is equal to 1: \(\int_{-\infin}^\infin f(x)dx = 1\).
- basically the cdf is the riemann sum; the distribution THUS FAR until a certain point. the pdf is the derivative of this, aka how fast the probability is growing.
a CDF has to satisfy the following cases:
- find the PDF by taking the derivative of the CDF
a joint density function makes a surface, and the integral of that is the volume
- covariance and correlation