CS 162 Midterm 1 Review

c review session



memory layout

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data structures

useful functions

lec 1: what is an operating system

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lec 2: processes and kernels

requirements for virtualization

what is a process

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operating system kernel

user vs kernel

hardware will support

safe control transfer

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lec 3: processes cont.

stack review


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big idea

user → kernel mode

1. interrupt detection (hardware)

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  1. device sends electric signal over interrupt request line (IRQ) to interrupt controller
  2. APIC converts IRQ to a vector number and sends signal to processor
  3. processor detects interrupt by the IRQ code

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2. save recovery state (hardware)

3. switching atomically to kernel stack

4. invoke interrupt handle (hardware)

5. return to program

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  1. device sends signal to APIC
  2. processor detects interrupt
  3. save recovery state and switch to kernel stack
  4. jump to interrupt handler table at appropriate vector and invoke interrupt handler
  5. restore user program

*syscalls are handled VERY similarly!

lec 4: systems programming processes and communication

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process management API

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Input/Output in Linux

core tenants of the unix/IO interface

file descriptor

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lec 5: threads and the thread API

OS library

  1. improved programming API = minimizes glue code and simulates additional functionality
  2. performance = minimizes cost of syscalls

FDs to files

benefits of API


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OS concurrency/parallelism


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user threads vs kernel threads

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threads vs processes

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lec 6: synchronization - concurrency and mutual exclusion

sockets vs pipes

interprocess communication: pipes

IPC across machines: sockets

socket functions

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connection setup over TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol)

dispatch loop

  1. RunThread();
    • load state into cpu, load environment, jump to PC
  2. ChooseNextThread();
  3. SaveStateOfCPU(curTCB);
  4. LoadStateOfCPU(newTCB);

internal events

external events

User Level Threading

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multiprocessing vs multiprogramming

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concurrent threads

lec 7: synchronization - concurrency, locks, atomic instructions



atomic operations


lec 8: synchronization - locks, semaphores

atomic operations

futex aka fast user-space mutex


lec 9: synchronization - semaphores, monitors, read/writers

example of monitor (lock AND sem) implementation

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Reader/Writers problem

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monitors from semaphores

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scheduling algorithms